Dadroit JSON Viewer

Posted in: Softwares / Windows | By: BaDshaH | 5-07-2024, 13:46 | 0 Comments

Dadroit JSON Viewer
File size: 8.5 MB

Dadroit is a brilliant tool that treats JSON as a data format, not plain text. It provides you with a quick outline view with the help of tree representation of JSON data from root to last nodes. You can browse and query JSON like an enterprise DBMS.

Whole new class of performance.
We followed a different approach from traditional solutions to handle big JSON data and gained amazing outcomes. With quick response time and optimized system usage, you have the power to achieve insights from your massive JSON data with outstanding performance. The result speaks for itself.

Cutting-edge technology.
With an advanced parser, you can work on millions of entries with incredible performance. Dadroit builds natively from scratch with custom technologies to treat JSON data differently than other available solutions to maximize efficiency. We get rid of progress bars so that you can focus on more important things.
2GB per second file read
130M Objects per second parsing

1:1 system usage.
Dadroit is natively coded and heavily optimized to be capable of viewing huge JSON files and ram usage stays as much as your file size is. More than this, you can increase your productivity by opening multiple instances of Dadroit and viewing multiple files simultaneously.
1GB file:1GB memory

Instant find with RegEx support.
No spinners or progress bars. Type what you are looking for and get the result in real-time. Search in big JSON data with text or RegEx and find the highlighted results with instant go-to.
100,000 Search results per second

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