Valentina Studio Pro 14.1.2 Multilingual

Posted in: Softwares / Windows | By: DrZero | 24-06-2024, 14:55 | 0 Comments

Valentina Studio Pro 14.1.2 Multilingual

File size: 116 MB

Valentina Studio is the best way to transform your data into meaningful information; create, administer, query and explore MySQL, Postgre MariaDB, MS SQL Server and SQLite databases.
Valentina Studio Pro Features & Benefits At a Glance

Report Designer:
-Visual design layout tools turn queries into reports; live preview
-Toolbox of controls, html, barcodes, charts, graphs and more
-Sub-reports, regions, groups
-Easy add macros, expressions
-Print to all standard paper formats, set gutter, margin, max records per page
-Deploy Report projects for Valentina Reports ADK applications
-Deploy Report projects to Valentina Server

Forward Engineering:
-Visual Diagram Editor generates new databases
-Toolbox of controls, labels, comments, procedures, tables, views
-Generate scripts, copy scripts into your app code
-Easy visual navigation of very large diagrams

Database Continuous Integration:
-Create | Save | Load database schema snapshots in structured format
-Register | Commit | Increment database source control with any VCS
-Generate Migrate scripts

Forms Editor:
-Drag-create controls, widgets & layouts to create forms visually
-Attach and write custom methods in jаvascript
-Forms work work with any supported datasource including PostgreSQL, MySQL, MS SQL Server, SQLite and ValentinaDB
-Upload Forms to Valentina Projects on Valentina Server
-Deploy forms through free Valentina Studio on Windows, MacOS and Linux

Query Builder:
-Build SQL queries with just a few clicks and no code writing
-Edit built queries in Data Editor and save to Snippets library
-Copy your SQL queries to use in any application

-See all the details of differences in Tables, Links and more
-Generate scripts to execute to modify databases

Data Transfer:
-Copy records between two different databases
-Specify mapping of source/target Tables and Fields
-Log details and observe the transfer and result

Screen :

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