PhotoDiva v3.00-WEB0DAY_INT

Posted in: Softwares / Windows | By: 0dayhome | 19-12-2020, 13:55 | 0 Comments

PhotoDiva.v3.00-WEB0DAY_INT | 163 MB

Are your photos missing the mark? Dull colors, lackluster lighting, and blotchy skin don't have to stay that way. You can fix it all for free in the PhotoDiva portrait photo editor! Get beautiful-looking portraits quickly by using one-click effects to make dramatic changes. Whether you need a boost of color or a full face of makeup, this portrait software delivers amazing results automatically. 

Make Average Portraits Amazing with PhotoDiva
Change colors, enhance facial features, and remove objects easily with a few quick adjustments in the portrait editing software.

• Remove blemishes automatically
• Apply natural-looking beauty makeup
• Swap backgrounds without editing for hours

Achieve Flawless Edits with Ease
PhotoDiva is a breeze to master, even with no portrait photo editor experience. Transform your photography with intuitive sliders and free one-click effects.

The face editing software detects facial features like lips, eyes, and cheeks. Now you can sculpt, beautify, and add color without making tedious selections in Photoshop.

Too many distractions behind your model? Place her on a new background in just a few steps. Loosely select around her outline and then within it, and let PhotoDiva do the rest.

PhotoDiva is a game-changing portrait editor for all skill levels
Thanks to advanced algorithms designed by our experienced engineers, this portrait editor provides top-level results that are light years beyond your smartphone editing app. Go from amateur edits to professional-grade portraiture without taking a single Photoshop class!

When you are happy with your new edit, seamlessly publish your photo to social media. Your Facebook friends will be amazed at what you can do! The AI-based facial recognition and content-aware portrait enhancement can be your little secret.

Never settle for anything less than an exceptional edit again. Completely automatic virtual makeup, single-click filters, and superior light and shadow control solve any problem you face in your image. Easily remove distracting objects and change undesirable colors for unprecedented control over your photography in record time.

ОS: Windows XP, Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows 10

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